Please find enclosed the registration for MyEyes 2.1.
Name (write clearly):
IMPORTANT: your name will be processed to create your unique registration code.
When you receive the registration code, be sure to enter it in the registration dialog along with EXACTLY the same name you stated in this form. If you want to register multiple copies of MyEyes to different users, you must send a separate registration form for each user.
Snail mail address:
E-mail address:
Shareware Fee: US$10 (single user license)
No. of Copies: ______ (US$10 each)
Total: US$ ______
Thank you for supporting Shareware.
Please send this form to:
Federico Filipponi
c/o Fondazione Ugo Bordoni
via B. Castiglione, 59
00142 Rome
If you have comments or suggestions please write them on the back of this form.